Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 27.djvu/119

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Starting from Bay and Market streets, was as follows:

City Police, Mounted. Second New Jersey Drum Corps.

(irand Marshal and Aids.

Col. Hines, 2d New Jersey Vols. , Commanding the Military. Companies from each of the following Regiments of the Seventh

Army Corps, U. S. V. :

ad New Jersey Volunteers.

2d Illinois Volunteers.

ad Virginia Volunteers.

ist North Carolina Volunteers.

ist Wisconsin Volunteers.

49th Iowa Volunteers.

5Oth Iowa Volunteers.

4th Virginia Volunteers.

4th Illinois Volunteers.

Wilson Battery, Florida State Troops.

Mitchel Post, G. A. R. Florida Division United Confederate Veterans.

Float drawn by four gray horses, upon which were Young Ladies representing the Confederate States and the States and Indian Ter- ritory having troops in the Confederate Army, as follows:

Confederate States Miss Belle Dewson. South Carolina Miss Mai N. Colcock. Mississippi Miss Julia Stockton. Florida Miss Elizabeth Legere Fleming. Alabama Miss Kitty L. Roby. Georgia Miss Minnie Sollee. Louisiana Miss Marie M. Prioleau. Texas Miss Annie Champlain. Virginia Miss Anna Virginia Taliaferro. Arkansas Miss Julia Cook. North Carolina Miss Mamie Rogers. Tennessee Miss Aline Buckman. Missouri Miss Ruby DuPont. Kentucky Miss Isabelle Livingston. Maryland Miss Mary T. Fleming. Indian Territory Miss Lena Dancy.