Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 27.djvu/395

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IN HEX. 387

Stuart. General J. E. B.. 303. Virginia to the aid of Massachusetts, 68

Sumerton road, Engagement on the, 208.

Sussex Light Dragoons, Roster of, 97. Wade, Ben. P., 367.

Walker, Major D. N.. 51, 328.

Taliaferro, General W. B., 39. Walker, Major John Stewart, killed, 49.

Tarheels' thin gray line, 170. Walker, General R. Lindsay, 377.

Torbert, General A. T. A., 273, 314. Wheeler. General Joseph, 133.

Tucker. Sergeant G. W., 26. White, Dr. Henry Alex., S2.

Tucker, Henry St. George, 294. White, Captain Matthew X , Murder of, 187.

Tulane University, 301. White Marsh road, Engagement on, 208.

Tyler, Jr., John, 206. Wickham, General W. C., 314.

Willis, Captain K. J ,51.

Underwriter, Capture of the, 136. Winder, General W. S., killed, 149.

University of Virginia, Founding of, 353. Winchester, Engagement at, Sept., 1864, 173.

Wood, Captain John Taylor, 137.

Vallandigham, C. L., 367. Worsham. John H . 148.

Virginia, Bill of Rights, 62; her love for the Wright, General H. G., 324.

Union, 68 ; traditions of, 82.

Virginia infantry, Career of the i.sth regiment. Yancey, W. L., did not urge the revival of the

48; casualties in, at Sharpsburg, 50; 2istand slave trade, 100.

48th. 147. Virginia Military Institute and other buildings

burnt by General Hunter, 179.