Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 38.djvu/160

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Southern Historical Society Papers.

Committee on Accounts.

Washington, February 9, 1909.

Mrs. J. E. Robinson, Richmond, Va.:

Dear Madam,—I am in receipt of your letter of the 8th inst., in regard to "Cabin John Bridge." I will be glad to co-operate with you in the matter.

Yours truly,

C. B. Slemp.


Washington, February 13, 1909.

Mrs. J. E. Robinson, Richmond, Va.:

Dear Madam,—Your letter in reference to the move to restore the name of Jefferson Davis to the "Cabin John Bridge" has been received, and I write to say that 1 will aid the movement to the extent of my ability.

Sincerely yours,

H. D. Flood.

These replies received prove Virginia the same patriot as of old, and ready with hearty accord to join Louisiana in pleading for the restoration to one of the pages of history of the name of Jefferson Davis, known to all men as of quiet dignity in prosperity, and of calm greatness in adversity.

I cannot close without expressing my admiration for the unassuming executive ability, the tact, and the judgment that our President, Mrs. Wm. J. Behan, has shown in bringing to the aid of the C. S. M. A. the co-operation of the highest Confederate and Federal officials, for this grand work of restoring the name of Jefferson Davis to the "Cabin John Bridge" Aqueduct, at Washington, D. C.