Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 38.djvu/165

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Restoration of Name of Jefferson Davis.

Letter From Hon. Albert Estopinal, Louisiana Member of Congress.

Washington, D. C., July 19, 1909.

Mrs. W. J. Behan, New Orleans, La.:

My Dear Mrs. Behan,—Immediately upon receipt of your wire, requesting me to see Dr. Lewis regarding the tools, I sent my secretary to Mr. Home's residence and learned that Dr. Lewis had just been there and purchased the tools. The evening of the same day the Doctor called on me to inform me of that fact. I am very glad you secured the tools, as I consider that you are rightfully entitled to them. No one furnished with the facts leading to the restoration of the original inscription on "Cabin John Bridge" can question the efficiency of your splendid work in bringing about that result, and the claim of no other person to the credit can be seriously maintained.

Very respectfully yours,

Albert Estopinal.

Washington, D. C., July 31. 1909.

Dear Mrs. Behan:

To-day I succeeded in getting all the tools marked by Mr. Home. I think you will readily understand the inscriptions. I had to purchase for the work a set of steel letters at $2.20, and I paid Mr. Home $5.00.

I am arranging to have a suitable box made for the tools, which will serve as a cabinet. I finally concluded it best to have that work done here, as it will avoid handling of the tools by strangers, and possible loss, should the matter be delayed to be done in New Orleans.

Herewith I hand you Memorandum Sketch, which is descriptive and should be preserved. It is rather crude, but practical. I am sorry it is not in better style.

Very respectfully,

Samuel E. Lewis, M. D.,
Chairman Monumental Com. U. C. V.
