Page:Special 301 Report 1994.pdf/19

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  • The Council of the European Union adopted 1) a Directive on the Harmonization of Copyright Laws in satellite broadcasting and cable retransmission, which the member states must implement by January 1, 1995 (September); and 2) the Directive on the Harmonization of the Duration of Copyright and of certain related rights (October).
  • Ecuador signed a comprehensive bilateral intellectual property agreement. (October)
  • Thailand implemented an administrative system to provide a measure of "pipeline" patent protection for pharmaceuticals. (October)
  • The Mexican government formed an interagency task force in October 1993 to cut through the bureaucratic obstacles hindering effective action.
  • The Korean National Assembly adopted amendments to Korea's copyright, cable TV, computer software and customs laws. (December)
  • The Uruguay Round was concluded, including the agreement on the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights -- TRIPS. (December)
  • In December 1993, for the first time, a Singapore court sentenced a software pirate to jail and awarded legal and investigation costs to private prosecutors. In addition, Singapore's Attorney General prosecuted several major dealers of pirated software in cooperation with the U.S. private sector. In March 1994, three defendants in the case pleaded guilty and were sentenced to nine months in prison.
  • South Africa's parliament passed a replacement for the Trade Marks Act of 1963 and passed a Designs bill, which also grants specific protection to integrated circuits. (December)
  • The Andean Pact passed new decisions to upgrade patent and trademark (Decision 344), plant varieties (Decision 345) and copyright protection (Decision 351). (October, December)


  • Taiwan's Legislature approved a Bilateral Copyright Agreement and amended Taiwan's copyright law to prohibit parallel importation. (April)
  • The Philippines signed a bilateral agreement that addresses copyright, patent and trademark concerns. It also includes provisions on enforcement of rights. (April)
  • Switzerland's new Trademark Law came into effect making its protection EC compatible. New copyright amendments, that U.S. industry considers to be lacking, have been passed and will take effect in July. (April)