Page:Special 301 Report 2014.pdf/47

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protecting against the unfair commercial use, as well as unauthorized disclosure, of undisclosed test or other data generated to obtain marketing approval for pharmaceutical products.



Barbados remains on the Watch List in 2014. The United States continues to be concerned in Barbados and throughout the Caribbean region about the interception and retransmission of United States cable programming by local cable operators without the consent of, and without adequately compensating, United States rights holders. The United States also continues to have concerns in Barbados and throughout the region about the refusal of local TV and radio broadcasters and cable/satellite operators to pay for public performances of music. (See Section I). The United States urges the Government of Barbados to take all administrative actions necessary, without undue delay, to ensure that all composers and songwriters receive the royalties they are owed for the public performance of their musical works. In addition, the United States urges the Government of Barbados to adopt copyright legislation that protects works in both the physical and online environments and to take steps to prevent the unauthorized and uncompensated retransmission of copyrighted musical and audiovisual content. The United States looks forward to working with Barbados to resolve these and other issues.


Belarus remains on the Watch List in 2014. Despite recent efforts to improve enforcement against IP infringements, including methods for collecting and preserving evidence of IPR violations involving the Internet, piracy and counterfeiting remain widespread. Belarus has still not passed amendments to the Criminal, Administrative and Procedural codes originally proposed in 2011, and has not yet established civil remedies or criminal penalties for online piracy. The United States appreciates the government's decision to approve the Eurasian Economic Commission Board's agreement on coordination of measures to protect IPR and encourages Belarus to further harmonize its IPR regime with the regulatory principles adopted under the Customs Union. For example, Belarus could improve the investigation of suspected infringement cases, seizure of infringing goods, and prosecution of IPR violations by creating the unified trademark registry and implementing and exercising the ex officio authority provisions of the Customs Union Customs Code. The United States appreciates recent outreach by Belarus on IPR matters and looks forward to working with Belarus on these and other issues.


Bolivia remains on the Watch List in 2014. The Government of Bolivia has undertaken public awareness efforts and has made some enforcement attempts, but rampant piracy and counterfeiting persist. The United States encourages Bolivia to take steps to improve its enforcement of IPR, including by improving coordination among Bolivian enforcement authorities and with the authorities of its neighboring countries.