Page:Special 301 Report 2014.pdf/56

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continuing to work with Peru to address these and other issues, including through the TPP negotiations.


Romania remains on the Watch List in 2014. Despite positive instances of collaboration between the Romanian government and stakeholders, systemic concerns remain with respect to IPR protection and enforcement in that market. The United States encourages Romania to prioritize IPR protection and enforcement and urges Romania to devote the necessary resources and training for authorities to effectively address the continuing problems of piracy and counterfeiting. In 2013, for example, the number of enforcement actions taken dropped significantly when compared to 2012. Additionally, the General Prosecutor's IPR coordination department lacks sufficient staff. Romania should also take steps to address concerns over judicial delays and a lack of deterrent-level sentencing. Piracy over the Internet remains a serious concern, and more enforcement efforts are needed to address the problem. While some concerns persist, Romania has taken some positive steps. For example, cooperation between law enforcement, prosecutors, and IP-based industry groups continues to be close and effective at the working level. Notably, the GPO IPR Department also drafted guidelines for conducting Internet piracy investigations, and issued new procedures for prosecuting IPR crimes, which came into force on January 1, 2014. Notably, these procedures have resulted in positive enforcement actions against online piracy and counterfeiting. The United States looks forward to continuing to work with Romania to address these and other issues.


Tajikistan remains on the Watch List in 2014. The United States urges Tajikistan to implement fully amendments of its Customs Code to provide ex officio authority to its customs and criminal enforcement officials, as discussed in connection with Tajikistan's WTO accession. The United States continues to recommend that Tajikistan increase prosecutions of criminal IPR infringement, and address optical disc piracy as well as reports of government use of unlicensed software. The United States looks forward to continuing to work with Tajikistan to increase its enforcement capacity in general, and to advance Tajikistan's implementation of commitments made as part of Tajikistan's WTO accession process.

Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago remains on the Watch List in 2014. The United States continues to urge the Government of Trinidad and Tobago to enforce the copyright provisions of its cable license agreements against cable operators who refuse to negotiate with the Copyright Music Organization of Trinidad and Tobago ("COTT"), the local performing rights organization, for compensation for public performance of music, including for music written by American composers. Particularly troubling is the situation with local cable operator FLOW. A court in 2011 found that FLOW is required to obtain a public performance license from and pay all applicable fees to COTT. However, nearly three years later, judicial authorities have not