Page:Spiritual Reflections for Every Day in the Year - Vol 2.pdf/285

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service, constantly looking unto Thee for aid, that we may do Thy will from the heart, and be enabled, through Thy grace, to walk in the way Thou hast set before us. We pray Thee, according to the difference of our state and character, that we may become the willing subjects of thy divine operations; for as Thou art goodness itself, Thou canst not do otherwise than good, and all Thy dispensations originate in Thy love, that Thy children may be eternaliy blessed. Unto Thee, O glorified Redeemer, we humbly appeal; we are the people of Thy pasture, and the sheep of Thy hand; and as Thou hast given us affections and thoughts whereby we can make known our desires, give us, we pray Thee, a willing obedience to all Thy designs. Deal with us according to Thy will; and whatever may happen unto us, endow us with humble submission to say from the heart, "It is the Lord, let Him do what seemeth good unto Him!"

O Lord God our Saviour, we humbly supplicate Thee for all who are now steeped in wickedness. Let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end. As moral darkness covers the land, and the religion professed is more of faith than of love, grant that a reformation of religion and of manners may universally prevail.

Lord, give unto all parents Thy blessing. May they train the children Thou hast given them in habits of piety and virtue. Be with us in our temporal avocations, and prosper Thou the labour of our hands this day, for Thine own name sake.

Our Father, &c.