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we offer up to thee the humility of the holy confessors. Eternal praise, &c.

19. We adore thee, eternal Priest, whose delight is to offer sacrifice! and to make reparation for the insults and affronts done to thy priests, religious and virgins, we offer up to thee thy own invincible patience, together with the true and fervent zeal of all good priests and apostolic preachers. Eternal praise, &c.

20. We adore thee, true Bread of Angels! and to make reparation for the sins committed against thy command of abstinence, we offer up to thee the fasts and temperance of the holy Anchorets. Eternal praise, &c.

21. We adore thee, O God of all purity! and to make reparation for all the sins which have hitherto been committed against the virtue of purity, we offer up to thee the modesty and penance of all holy religious men and women. Eternal praise, &c.

22. We adore thee, amiable Spouse of our souls! and to make reparation for all the lukewarmness and indifference shown by many, particularly in time of holy communion, we offer up to thee the raptures and ecstasies of holy virgins. Eternal praise, &c.

23. We adore thee, most worthy object of the love and affection of men and Angels! and to repair the profanations committed in thy churches by the effusion of so much innocent blood, as also to make some atonement for the poor and indigent manner thou art entertained there, we offer up to thee the piety of all the blessed Saints, and the. distress and want in which thy persecuted servants were. Eternal praise, &c.

24. We adore thee, Son of the ever-glorious Virgin! and to make a general reparation, as much as lies in our power, for all the indignities thou hast suffered from men, since the institution of this adorable Mystery, we have recourse to thy holy Mother, looking upon her, as, under thee, the greatest and most secure refuge of sinners. Eternal praise, &c.

O Queen of heaven and earth, hope of mankind, who