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the prophet Isaias heard them singing, prostrate in profound adoration, before the throne of God, and which St. John the evangelist heard repeated in the highest heavens, day and night, without any intermission.

The Doxology is often repeated by the Church, in her divine office, in honor of the most Holy Trinity.

All who have a lively faith in the ineffable mystery of three persons in one God, should, after the example of the celestial choirs, adore, bless, and praise the most Holy Trinity, as often as possible, and with all the fervor of which they are capable.


HOLY, holy, holy Lord God of Hosts! all the earth is full of his glory.


GLORY be to the Father; glory be to the Son, and glory be to the Holy Ghost.


If three persons associate together in honor of the most Holy Trinity, of the Incarnation of the divine Word, and of the Blessed Virgin, Mother of God, to recite jointly, or separately, seven times, Glory be to the Father, &c., and once Hail Mary, three times a day, viz., morning, noon and evening, they may gain an Indulgence of one hundred days, each day of the week; of seven years, and seven times forty days, on each Sunday; and should they daily repeat them, a Plenary Indulgence twice each month, on two Sundays of their choice.

Should one of the three, thus united, die, of from any cause abandon this devotion, another must be chosen, that the union of three persons may always be preserved.


They who recite devoutly, morning, noon, and evening, the Glory be to the Father, &c., three times, in thanksgiving to the most Holy Trinity, for the graces and privileges conferred on the Blessed Virgin Mary, especially! on the day of her glorious Assumption, may, every day, gain