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Set a watch, O Lord! before my mouth, and a door round about my lips.

My God! make me wise as the serpent, and simple as the dove.

My Saviour! keep me continually mortified to this world, and grant that, being cleansed thoroughly by the fire of thy love, I may immediately pass hence into thy everlasting possessions.

Fountain of all goodness! bless all our undertakings, to thy greater honor and glory and the salvation of souls.

O Eternal Father! in the name of thy holy Jesus, I humbly beseech thee, mercifully to grant my petition.

Praise the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.

To thee, O Lord! be glory and honor; let shame and confusion be my portion.

O praise the Lord, all ye nations! praise him all ye people, &c.

Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and of his greatness there is no end.

O that I could now give thee, O Lord! all that honor, praise and glory with which the angels and blessed spirits praise and glorify thee in heaven.

Let all thy works praise thee, O Lord! and let thy saints bless thee.

Fire, bail, snow, ice, stormy winds which fulfil his word; kings of the earth and all people; every spirit, praise the Lord!

Most adorable Trinity! I thank thee for creating my soul to thy own image and likeness.

Most holy Trinity! Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! I consecrate to thee my memory, will and understanding: grant that they may be ever employed to thy greater honor and glory.

Great God! Father, Son and Holy Ghost! have mercy on us:

Holy God! holy and strong God! holy and immortal God! have mercy on me.

Sweet Jesus! make me thy own.

My God and my all!

O my Jesus! God of inconceivable love! grant that 1 my never approach thy sacred altar, without remembering thy sufferings with contrition and love.