Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1871.djvu/428

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Khanikof(N. de) Etudes sur Hnstruction Publique en Russie. 1" partie. Dernieres reformes de l'organisation de l'instruction publique, aecompagnees d'une carte de la Russie d"Europe divisee en provinces academiques. 8. Paris, 1866.

Kbppen (Dr. Peter von), Statistische Reise in Russland. 8. St. Petersburg, 1864.

Martin (Henri), La Russie d'Europe. 8. Pp. 135. Paris, 1865.

Miehie (Alexander), The Siberian Overland Route from Pekin to Peters- burg, through the Deserts and Steppes of Mongolia, Tartary, &c. 8. London, 1864.

Murray (John), Handbook for Travellers in Russia, Poland, and Finland. 8. Pp. 282. London, 1868.

Olherg (H.), Statistische Tabellen des russischen Reichs. 8. Berlin, 1859.

Oumanetz (Th.), Public Education in Russia (Russian). 8. Pp. 211. Dresden, 1868.

Paidy (J. N.), Description ethnographique des peuples de la Russie. 8. St. Petersbourg, 1862.

Petzholdt (Alex.), Reise im Westlichen und Siidlichen Europaischen Russ land im J. 1855. 8. Leipzig. 1860.

Porochine (Victor de), Les Ressources Materielles de la Russie. 8. Paris, 1865.

Ravenstein (E. G-.), The Russians on the Amur; its Discovery, Conquest, and Colonisation. 8. London, 1861.

Rein (G.), Statiskteckning af Storfurstendomet Finland. 8. Helsingfors, 1866.

Schnitzler (Jean Henri), L'Empire des Tsars. 3 vols. 8. Strasbourg, 1856-6.6.

Schnitzler (Jean Henri), Les Institutions de la Russie, depuis les reformes de l'Empereur Alexandre II. 2 vols. 8. Paris, 1867.

Semenow (N.), Geographical and Statistical Dictionary of the Russian Empire (Russian). 2 vols. 8. St. Petersburg, 1863-66.

Statistische Mittheilungen aus Russland (Reprinted from the ' St. Peters- burger Kalender'). 8. Pp. 108. St. Petersburg, 1868.

Stchajiof (A.), The Intellectual Development of the Russian People. (Russian). 8. St. Petersburg, 1870.

Teqoborski (L. de), Etudes sur les Forces Productives de la Russie. 3 vols. 8. Paris, 1852.

TroinitsM (A.), The Peasant Population of Russia (Russian). 8. St. Peters- burg, 1861.

Valikhanof (Capt), and Veniu&of(M..), the Russians in Central Asia. Trans- lated by J. and R. Michell. 8. London. 1865.

Woldemar (N.), Zur Geschichte und Statistik der gelehrten und Schulanstal- ten des kaiserl. russ. Ministeriums der Volksauf klarung. 8. Petersburg, 1865.