Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/1542

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Santander (Colombia), 472

Santaiider (Spain), 1013

Santa Rosa, 353

San Thome Island, 890, 891

Santiago, 446, 447

Santiago del Estero (Arg. Rep.),

345 Santo Domingo, 708, 710 ; area, 984

— books of reference, 986

— commerce, 985

— constitution, 983

— defence, 985

— diplomatic representatives, 986

— finance, 984

— government, 983

— instruction, 984

— justice, 984

— money, weights, and measures,


— population, 984

— posts and telegraphs, 985

— president, 983

— production and industry, 985

— railways, 985

— religion, 984

— shipping, 985

San Domingo (City), 984

Sapele (W. Africa), 209

Sapporo (Japan), 764

Sarajevo, 403

Saratoff, 915

Sarawak, 111

Sardinia, 720

Sark and Brechou, population, 26

— government, 14 Saskatchewan District (Canada), 223 Sassari, 725 ; University, 735 Savaii (Samoa), 982

Savanna la Mar, 246

Savoie, 509

Saxe-Altenburg, 670-671

Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, 671-672

Saxe-Meiningen, 673-674

Saxe-Weimar, 674-676

Saxony, area and population, 678

— distilleries, 681

— emigration, 679

— finance, 680

— government, 677

— instruction, 680

— justice and crime, 680

— king, 676

— mining, 681

— production and industry, 680-681


Saxony, railways, 682

— religion, 679, 680

— royal family, 676

— towns, 679

Saxony (Prussian), 658-663 Sayid Abdul Ahad (Bokhara), 972 Schaffhausen (canton), 1058, 1060 Schaumberg-Lippe, 682-683 Schiedam, 811 Schleswig-Holstein, area, &c., 658

— crime, 663

— emigration, 660

— religion, 661 Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, 683 Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, 684 Schwarzwald, 687

Schwyz (canton), 1058, 1060

Schwerin, 646

Scotland, agricultural holdings, 70

— agriculture, 68 et seq.

— area, 14-16, 20-22

— army, 57

— banks, joint- stock, 96

post-office, 97

trustee, 98

— births, deaths, and marriages, 27

— canals, 92

— coal produce, 74

— commerce, 81

— counties, 21

— criminals, 41

— customs revenue, 52

— education, middle-class, 36 primary, 38

universities, 34

— electorate, 8

— emigration, 28

— fisheries, 72, 73

— illiterates, 8, 33

— imports and exports, 81

— income-tax assessment, 51

— justice and crime, 40, 41

— local government, 13

— occupations of the people, 23

— parliamentary representation, 8

— pauperism, 42, 43

— police force, 42

— population, 14-16, 20-23 counties, 21

— posts and telegraphs, 93-95

— property assessed, 51

— railways, 91

— religion, 31

— taxation. Imperial, 52