Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/999

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Finance.— for 1920 the budget estimated revenue at 346,264, 764 marks, and expenditure at 594,078,408 marks. Direct taxes amount to more than half of the whole revenue, and next to that the proceeds of domains, quays, railways, ic. Expenditure for the debt, 114,943,000 mark* in 1920.

Public debt, January 1, 1919, 1,750,587,092 marks, incurred chiefly for public works.

Commerce and Shipping.— Hamburg is the principal seaport in Germany. Leading Steamship Companies : — Hamburg - America line ; Hamburg-South America line ; German Kosmos line; German- Australia line ; German East Africa line ; Woermann line ; German Levant line. Movement of shipping for 4 years : —




No. of rihipe


No. of 8oips


1913 1918

1919 1920

15,073 1,471


696.076 1,543.714 4,537,331

16,627 1,602 2,706 5,150

1,450,41 I

Railways, 44 *8 miles.

References concerning Hamburg.

Hamburgisches Staatshandbuch. Statistisches Han lbuch fur den bambnrgischen Staat. Statistik des hainburgucten Staates. Statbtiscne Mitteilungen uher den hamburgiscbeu Staat. Janresherichte des Sutistischeu Landesamts. Hamborgs Handel -nnd 8chifTahrt, heraasgegeben vom HandelsstatistUchen Auit.

Bae<Uker'$ Northern Germany. 14th ed. Leipzig. 1904.

King (Wilson), Three Free Cities: Being the Chronicles of Hamburg, Bremen, and Lubeck. London, 1914.

M«IU(W. Ton), Daa hamburgische SUatsrechL Hamburg, 1891.

SeeligiQ.). Hamburgiachea 8taatsrecht anf geschichtlicber Grundlage. Hamburg, 19<r2.

Zimmern (Helen), The Hansa Towns. In ' 8torr of the Nations * Series. London, 1889.



Hesse was proclaimed a Republic early in November, 1918.

Constitution- — The Constitution of the new Republic was adopted on December 20, 1919. The Landtag ot 70 members is elected for 3 j The new Diet, elected January 26, 1919, is composed as follows : — Majority Socialists, 31 ; Independents, "l ; Democrats, 13 ; German People's Party, 7; Centre (Catholics), 13 ; Hessian People's Party, 5.

The Cabinet, nominated on February 21, 1919, is as follows : —

Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs.— Ken Ulricli (Socialist). 'cr of Finance. — Herr Henrieh. (Democrat). <ier of the Interior.— Dr. Fulda (Socialist).

Mi lister of Justice.— Herr von Brenlano (Centre).

For administrative purposes, the Republic is divided into three provinces, . eighteen circles (Kreise), and 983 commuUes (Gemeinden).