Page:Studies in Lowland Scots - Colville - 1909.djvu/349

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was transformed into the bird, perhaps due to the yellow gaberdine of the Mediæval Jew

  • Yett, 62, var. of gate
  • Yird, yirdit, 49, buried—Erde, var. of earth
  • Yirp, 248, Bu. act of fretting, yirpin, fretful
  • Yiss, 78, yes. Highland speaker
  • Yode, 34, O.E. went
  • "Yokin, a," 34, "he yokit on me." Jam. to engage in a quarrel; var. of yoke, to join, Go. waurda jinka, wordy strife
  • Yon, 51, Go. jains, that, jaind, jaindre, yonder, Ger. jener
  • Yooer, 177, 178, udder, in form like Du. uijer, North, yure, Ger. euter, like udder, follows the Teut. type udra
  • Young, juggs. Go., 53, Ger. jung
  • Yowe, 21, ewe, Lat. ovis. Go. awi-s, awi-str, awi-thi
  • Yuckie, 153, itchy, also prov. E.; Du. jeuken, Ger. jucken, to itch


  • Zuipen, 210, Du. See seap, sijp
  • Zwaar, 209, C. Du.; Sc. sweer, in slightly different sense, comp. zwaarder

¤¤¤Dr. Wm. Craigie, co-editor of "New English Dictionary," in a note to me, says, with reference to p. 5 of the text, where tun is compared with Go. tains and tain-jo, "Connexion between tún and tains is very doubtful, as the vowels do not belong to the same series." Again, with regard to the parallel, p. 14, between whet and white (a stick), "The former represents O.E. hwettan and the latter O.E. thwitan. The older form of whittle is thwitel, and Sc. whang=thong, early thwang."

It is but fair to say that Dr. Craigie has seen only the first sheet or two of the text.