Page:Suggestive programs for special day exercises.djvu/90

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A—"A" do I bring and put in place,
   Helping a little; see?
  God is well pleased with little thanks
   From little girls like me.

N—"N" comes the next, and here am I,
   Rosy and full of glee;
  I thank our God that through this year
   Good health was given me.

K—"K" is for our King and Lord,
   Who made and clothed the earth;
  To him we offer praise and thanks.
   For aJl that it brings forth.

S—Each one of us must do his part,
   "S" is the letter that I bring.
  Hang it up so all can see
   That I, too, thank the King.

G—"G" comes now to do her part
   And say her little prayer,
  'Tis this: "Oh Lord I thank thee
   For all thy love and care."

I—I am quite small, but you'll agree
   Small boys to great men grow.
  Even now I can thank the Lord
   For grain which we plant and mow.

V—"V" stands for vines, once graceful and green,
   That waved in the summer breeze;
  Now they are yellow, but here is the fruit.
   My prayer is, "I thank Thee for these."

I—Another "I" now doth appear,
   Tenth in the list he ranks.
  Gladly he does his little part,
   In the evening "giving of thanks."

N—Now nearly finished is the word
   That tells why we are here;
  I hope that all, when we are done.
   Will thank our Lord so dear.

G—God our Father, Savior, King,
   Accept our grateful praise,
  For all the good that we have known
   Of life and length of days.

All—"Thanksgiving" is the motto bright.
   We have now made for you;
  Dear friends, lift up your hearts,—
   'Tis what all men should do.

—From Shedd's Special Day Exercises.
(By permission.)