Page:Tales of instruction, in verse and prose.pdf/23

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stranger? And Abraham anſwered and ſaid, Lord, he would not worſhip thee, neither would he call upon thy name; therefore have I driven him out from before my face into the wilderneſs. And God ſaid, Have I borne with him theſe hundred and ninety and eight years, and nouriſhed him, and clothed him, notwithſtanding his rebellion againſt me; and couldſt not thou, who art thyſelf a ſinner, bear with him one night?


An Apologue.

Ceaſe then, nor Order Imperfection name:
Our proper Bliſs depends on what we blame.

DURING the violence of a ſtorm, a traveller implored relief from Jupiter, and intreated him to aſſuage the tempeſt. But Jupiter lent a deaf ear to his intreaty. Struggling with the unabating fury of the whirlwind, tired, and far from ſhelter, he grew peeviſh and diſcontented. "Is it thus (he ſaid) the gods, to whom our ſacrifices are offered daily, heedleſs of our welfare, & amuſed with our ſufferings, make an oſtentatious parade of their omnipotence?" At length, approaching the verge of a foreſt, "here (he cried) I ſhall find that ſuccour