Page:Tales of the Unexpected (1924).djvu/168

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—at any rate a shot had gone shuddering over us. Several times we had hidden in woods from hovering aeroplanes.

'But all these things do not matter now, these nights of flight and pain. . . . We were in an open place near those great temples at Pætum, at last, on a blank stony place dotted with spiky bushes, empty and desolate and so flat that a grove of eucalyptus far away showed to the feet of its stems. How I can see it! My lady was sitting down under a bush resting a little, for she was very weak and weary, and I was standing up watching to see if I could tell the distance of the firing that came and went. They were still, you know, lighting far from each other, with these terrible new weapons that had never before been used: guns that would carry beyond sight, and aeroplanes that would do—— What they would do no man could foretell.

'I knew that we were between the two armies, and that they drew together. I knew we were in danger, and that we could not stop there and rest!

' Though all those things were in my mind, they were in the background. They seemed to be affairs beyond our concern. Chiefly, I was thinking of my lady. An aching distress filled me. For the first time she had owned herself beaten and had fallen a-weeping. Behind me I could hear her sobbing, but I would not turn round to her because I knew she had need of weeping, and had held herself so far and so long tor me. It was well, I thought, that she would weep and rest, and then we would toil on again, for I had no inkling of the thing that hung so near. Even now I can see her as she sat there, her lovely hair upon her shoulder, can mark again the deepening hollow of her cheek.

'"If we had parted," she said, "if I had let you go——'

"No," said I. "Even now I do not repent. I will