Page:Terræ-filius- or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford.djvu/215

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Who ?have been as iufamoully li&Iged ilt:?Ox?n/, ' wi?ut my ?d-io their Ch?r?h of Efig4nd ?p?L?h?crs, quite fo. regularly, and i?t?te? confuted as. they ought'?o t? Dr. Bri?one, ?o ? Is fu?? ac .this ? h?m, wh? has not bcea ?ame?, in a p?d mvn? '?o. ?nd into ?c wmld this e??his ?rdigi? to ?e ?mmWd i?to a thing puMy reafon. able. ?nd t?e Church of England has t& peculiar to fie men ma? T?c?.s and Go?z?o?s ? communion, who eith? deny ? ?y at? the ?rtides of the chfifiian ?etigion. But it is to ? re. .u?td to it, as extranmus adventitious panide$ 'the human baO, ?e haoe been )ea?ing of, yet art ?ot of the Effence of it. n?r t?er into itj Identity HOPED, THERE MAY BE A OLORIOU$ ?ESURRECTION .. Pra? obf?ve, ?, that t?e? ram, on whom this ?i?ous c?rge is }aid, of denym S or ?yi? ?, ?e? artldes of t? C?ri?ian re?gioa, lnd ?it? ?m whom? (it i$ hO? by this rcv?nd pa?or of .?urch ? England) there may bea glorious Re?rreSi. ?i a? the W?tgs and Gowu?oas of the Ch..?rtk ?f,,E,, nglaM. Well fiid, moji orthodox lipilgo?alian t ' ,The reverend Mr. ?zard, of?he time collet, e, wa hi! month, de&ed Promr ff the umverfity tbr the ?nfuing year, notwithlhncling that he is obliged by a college lhtute, to take. his Batchdot of Divinity's de- gree next Term, wNch, by a 1tatute of the univer- fity is made incompatible with the I'roSorfhip: to re- move which, the ?reftdent and fi:Ilow$ &riga to dif?enfi with iheir ?ollegeflattat ? tho' by' , _. : - ?..?,.