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man. I remind thee also of all the holy thoughts which saints in heaven and good men on earth have ever had, or will have hereafter, for the honour of thy name.

O most merciful Lord, from the bottom of my heart I pray thee to pardon me, in return, all the vain, shameful, and bad thoughts which I have ever had until now, or in any way whatever occasioned others to have, that were beside or opposed to thy will. Our Father. Hail Mary.

Second Prayer.

O most tender Lord Jesus Christ, I, a wretched sinner, remind thee of all the good and saving words which thou hast ever spoken upon earth, or which have ever been, or will be hereafter, pronounced by others in thy name.

Forgive me, I humbly beg of thee, O good Jesus, all the words that I have ever until now spoken, or occasioned others to speak, in opposition to thy divine will. Our Father. Hail Mary.


O most sweet Jesus Christ, I, a sinner, unworthy, but redeemed by thy precious blood, remind thee of all the good works thou hast wrought on earth for our salvation, or which have ever been, or will hereafter be, done by others in thy name.

Pardon, I beseech thee, most merciful Lord, whatever by my misconduct I have at any time ignorantly or knowingly committed, or occasioned others to commit, that is contrary to thy law and to the glory of thy name.

Direct and order also, O most gracious Lord, all my thoughts, all my words, and all my works, according to thy divine pleasure, to the praise of thy name; and conform them to the most perfect pattern of thy most holy conversation and life. I am thine, and will be thine, O Lord, in life and in death; and into thy hands I commit myself, and all that I have. Our Father. Hail Mary.


From the same.

O Jesus Christ, Saviour of the world, who mercifully invitest all sinners, and castest not out whatever comes to thee, but graciously receivest, cherishest, and refreshest it; I remind thee of the infinite love with which thou hast of thy own accord offered thyself up for us upon the cross; and by the most generous shedding - of thy precious blood, hast so abundantly paid the price of our salvation, and atoned for the sins of the world.

By the most sacred and efficacious penance of thy