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der to thee, O Lord, for all that thou hast rendered to me? My soul, bless the Lord, and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

5. Of Imitation. Thou hast left us an example, O Lord! and wilt that we follow thy steps. Give what thou commandest, and command what thou wilt.

6. Of Admiration. Who art thou, O Lord, and who am I? Thou, who sufferest, art God and Lord, just and innocent. I am a worthless slave, a worm of earth, and a sinner, who have merited the punishment which thou, O miracle! endurest.

7. Of Love. O sweet Jesus, my salvation and my life! All thy works, O Lord, tell of thy love to me! It was love drew thee from heaven, and confined thee in the Virgin’s womb. It was love fastened thee to the Cross; and what shall separate me from thy love? This, oh, that neither life, nor death, nor whatever happens, may effect!

These, then, are the affections on which, according to the subject-matter, thy mind should be exercised, and thy meditation seasoned upon the Life and Passion of Christ; the practice of which in the several points is exhibited in the following Rosary, and will be taught thee more fully by the unction of the Spirit. But the affections of contrition and imitation should be chiefly attended to, especially by beginners. For to derive from the consideration of the Passion the hatred of sin and the love of virtue is one of its principal fruits. And what can more effectually deter us from sin than to think how greatly it was necessary for Christ to suffer, that he might save us from our sins? What can more powerfully incite us to the love of virtue than to reflect how God became man, visible in our flesh, and like us, to set before us examples of victory for us to imitate?

In this Rosary also are to be noted particularly the following virtues: Humility, obedience, meekness, patience, mercy, charity, &c. Remark these and the like, imitate them, and exercise other pious affections in relation to them. Christ, who, by the protection of his grace, guides those whom he teaches by the example of his life, will not fail to assist your endeavours, and will at last crown them that follow him with the eternal rewards of his glory.