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And what enables pious married people to conquer their selfish desires? It is love, the love which ought to exist between husband and wife.

What induced St. Vincent de Paul to achieve so heroic a victory over himself, and allow himself to be shut up in prison with the dregs of mankind, with unhappy convicts condemned to the galleys? It was love, love for their immortal souls.

4. How would it have been possible that untold numbers of holy martyrs, amongst whom were tender virgins and young children, should renounce not only honor, freedom, fortune, health, the joys of family life, but should give up their lives amid terrible torture? It was only possible through the power of love, love for their Redeemer; they said with the Apostle: "The love of Christ presseth us."

And how was the greatest and most glorious victory recorded in the annals of the human race obtained, the victory over sin, death, and hell, the divine victory of the Saviour when He expired upon Mount Calvary? This was indeed the supremest victory of love, the victory of divine and infinite charity in regard to the poor sons of Adam.

5. Such, my youthful reader, is the all-conquering might of love. And if you know that it is imperatively necessary for you to overcome the lust of the eyes, the concupiscence of the flesh, and the pride of life, in