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Therefore "how" will you die? You do not know, I do not know; indeed there is not any one who knows. Only one thing is certain, that so long as a spark of life and consciousness is left to you, you can correspond to the grace of God, you have a chance to save your soul.

7. Now, my friend, in speaking so seriously about death, I do not wish to make you unhappy, but only to guide you to a good death, only to help you to meet the last enemy with calmness and even cheerfulness. Yes, with cheerfulness! Some years ago I witnessed a death like this in the case of one of my parishioners, a young woman twenty-one years of age. She had always been pious and good, and at the same time merry and cheerful. When death was approaching, she asked that the wreath which was so soon to be placed on her bier, might be shown to her, and as she lay upon her dying bed she seemed quite pleased to look at it. She was indeed a living proof of the truth of the lines:

The fear of God is honor and renown; With it the Christian wins a conqueror's crown, His portion in this world is peace and joy, In heaven 'tis bliss without alloy.

Ever bear in mind the maxim that has caused the conversion of so many sinners, and made so many saints — the memorable maxim that was enunciated by Jesus Christ Himself: "What shall it profit a man, if he gain the