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XXVII. Christian Courage

1. THE more deeply your heart, dear reader, is imbued with a true fear of God, so much the more will this fear rule and guide you in every circumstance of life, and so much the less will you know any other fear, and so much the more courageously will you at all times and in all places range yourself on the side of God before the eyes of the world. And in our own day it is more than ever necessary to stand up courageously for the cause of Christ. All Christians, but in the first place all men, both old and young, must show themselves to be the courageous apostles of Christ, must fearlessly espouse His cause before all the world, and in every position of life. That is a high, a glorious vocation, calculated to fire every youthful heart with enthusiasm.

2. Christ has said: "Every one that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven" (Matt. 5 32). This open confession of faith in Jesus Christ and the truths He has revealed, this fearless espousal of His cause, is demanded especially in our times. Modern society is to a great extent anti-Christian or inimical to Christ, pervaded by hatred to Christianity in general, and to the Catholic Church in particular.

This was very plainly shown some years ago, when the question of Christian education was debated in the German parliament. On that occasion Count Caprivi, the imperial chancellor, publicly asserted that the whole question centered on this, Christ or Anti-Christ. After this courageous declaration, a tremendous hubbub arose, in which all present joined, with the exception