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prived by the state of their private property; yet the Christians bore all this for quite three centuries.

Sacrifices like these are not required of us; we are not threatened with similar penalties. We ought, therefore, to find it easier to take the side of Christ, and to fight for His cause more cheerfully. Moreover, when you are of an age to take part in elections and voting, you ought not to be false to your character as a Christian; you ought to have the courage of your convictions and act in accordance with your religious principles even if you thereby antagonize or displease the one who gives you employment.

4. It becomes ever more important also to support with might and main the Catholic press in the fight for Christ. Young men can do much in this respect. They can unite their efforts in this cause," in behalf of which they ought to consider no expenditure of time or money too great. We must give ourselves no rest until there is in every Catholic household at least one newspaper or periodical which, if need be, will courageously fight for the sake of Christ and fearlessly defend the interests of the Church.

5. In this manner must we all, and young men more especially, use every possible exertion in order that, in the days in which we live, Christ may once more reign in the whole of our public life. Let us labor and struggle courageously for the spread of Christ's kingdom on earth. You will hear the enemies of Christ and of the Church assert that this is priestcraft I Bear in mind, however, that the Church only commands in the name of Christ. The commands of the Church simply express the will of God. What the sun, shining in the vault of