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outspoken Catholics, true to their convictions, is constantly diminishing, and that of effeminate, sycophantic waverers is ever on the increase!

These waverers, these men who lack force of character, whose hearts are charged with diluted Catholicism, know and believe, and by listening to sermons and religious instructions can completely convince themselves, that the Catholic Church is divine in her origin, holy in her founder, infallible in her doctrines, apostolic in her organization, glorious and wonderful in her saints. Yes, it is true that they know and believe all this. But at the first opportunity, whatever society they may be in, when enemies of the Church mock at and blaspheme this very same Church, her ministers, her precepts, her ceremonies, and her organization, these half-hearted Catholics are silent, and utter no word of defense for their mother; but on the contrary, they perhaps applaud the billingsgate of her adversaries, and even let their own tongues loose against her in vituperation.

4. Moreover, there are Catholics who believe and know full well that our Holy Catholic Church is the only true Church of Jesus Christ upon earth; and yet they concern themselves very little or not at all as to whether this Church possesses freedom of action and can spread herself everywhere in order to effect the salvation of mankind, or whether she is persecuted and regarded with hostility,