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selves in the presence of God, and by means of prayer, to hold loving intercourse with Him? He who prays not at all, or who does not pray well, is separated from God whilst here below, and will not be admitted to His presence in heaven.

6. Cling firmly, my young friend, to the ladder which reaches to heaven; by this means ascend to God. And if at times weariness and aridity creep over you, shake off this drowsiness and say to yourself: "I have not yet reached heaven; one unfortunate moment may prove my eternal perdition, therefore I must pray."

Impressed with this truth, you will be more zealous in saying your morning prayers, and throughout the day will more frequently raise your mind to God; you will never neglect to attend public worship; you will never lie down to sleep without having in prayer bewailed the faults of the past day. Before all things you must constantly beseech God to bestow on you the gift of prayer.

Teach, Lord, Thy servant how to pray,
To make my needs known unto Thee each day?
Then, when my heart is raised to Thee on high
Grant me to feel that Thou art truly nigh.

With Keble say:

"Only, O Lord, in Thy dear love
Fit us for perfect rest above;
And help us this and every day
To live more nearly as we pray."