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Certainly the most indispensable thing for a young man, if he is to prosper in the world, is that it can be said of him with truth: "He is absolutely honest: thoroughly upright and trustworthy." Remember the proverbs:

"Unjust gain will bring you pain!"

"No legacy so rich as honesty!"

" Better disaster than dishonor - His shorter lived!"

"We are bound to be honest, but not bound to be rich."

"Let Falsehood laugh! Honesty has a heaven all its own."

"Who is the honest man?

He that doth still and strongly good pursue,
To God, his neighbor, and himself most true;
Whom neither force nor fawning can
Unpin, or wrench from giving all their due."

- Herbert.


Give to every one his due

Unto death be honest and true!

3. Furthermore, it is your duty as a Christian, according to the measure of your age and position, to oppose the hostile division which at the present time eats ever more and more into the