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good and faithful servant; because thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will place thee over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord" (Matt. xxv. 23).

There is One who sees your life,
Knows your labor, knows your strife
One who feels with all your sadness,
And will turn it into gladness.

LVI. How ought you to work?

1.In the ear of every young man there sounds the call of his heavenly Father, summoning him to go forth and work in the vineyard of this world. The young man ought to learn to labor well and earnestly, and even to take delight in his work.

Experience teaches us that industrious young people who love their work, and do it well, are almost invariably pious and moral. It is on this account the highest praise for a young man, if it can be said of him with justice that he is industrious, never weary of his work, and always occupied in some useful manner. Employ your time well; be industrious; love your work, it will bring you a blessing both here and hereafter. But mark well, how you ought to work.

2. First of all, and b;fore all else, see that you labor for the honor and glory of God; and to this end, every morning at least, before you begin your work, direct your intention. Say with a fervent heart: " Omnia ad majorem Dei gloriam! " "All for the greater glory of God!" As often as you begin a piece of work, say: " In the name of Jesus!"

3. But a good intention is not enough; you