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of chastity?

"From the complacency wherewith an infinitely pure God regards chaste souls, measure the grace and the reward he reserves for chastity.

"From the struggle to which the acquisition of this virtue gives rise, and without which, in the majority of mankind, there is no victory you may form some idea of its recompense, its crown.

"Truly, he that loveth cleanness of heart shall have the king for his friend (Prov. xxii. n).

"Behold how God communicates himself to chaste souls: Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God (Matt. v. 8).

" See how he prefers them, drawing them close to himself, and permitting them to lean upon his bosom, like the disciple whom Jesus loved (John xxi. 20).

"Mark how he prepares a heaven especially for them; in robes of gladness, and adorned with signs of victory, they follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth (Apoc, xiv. 4).

" Behold how he teaches them to sing a new canticle before his throne, one which none but virgins' lips are able to sing (Apoc. xiv. 3).

"O yes, whoever loves purity of heart, has the King of kings for his friend, for his confidant, for his eternal Bridegroom. One spirit with God is he who is joined with Him by self-denial and flight from all vice (1 Cor. vi. 17).

"O heaven of chaste souls, how lovely thou art! What a chosen spot, a high mountaintop, an exclusive sanctuary. 'Who shall ascend to the mountain of the Lord? Who shall stand m his holy place? The innocent in hands, and