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place humility and holy fear as the first sentinels in the conflict with the enemy of chastity.

3. A second sentinel is the determination to resist evil thoughts and impulses without a moment's delay. The great and important principle in regard to attacks of disease is to employ, from the outset, suitable methods to resist them. The same principle holds good in regard to diseases of the soul.

As soon as you become conscious of impure thoughts, images, and impulses, strive at once to concentrate your thoughts upon something else, upon the work in which you are engaged, or anything else which is harmless and calculated to engross your attention. And in case you are alone, seek, if you possibly can, some companionship which is not dangerous. In every case utter, with all the fervor of which you are capable, some ejaculatory prayer, such as: "My Jesus, mercy!" " Sweet Heart of Jesus, be my love! " "Sweet heart of Mary, be my salvation! " Such ejaculations as these, when uttered with true devotion and childlike confidence, have a marvelous power.

You must avoid all voluntary and proximate occasions which are likely to lead to the sin of unchastity. In such a voluntary and proximate occasion does a young man find himself, who without necessity seeks out some place, or lingers in it, or holds converse with persons where it is highly probable, or