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LXXIV. Holy Communion: Our Life and Our Strength

Pontifical Decree Concerning Daily Communion

THE Council of Trent, having in view the unspeakable treasures of grace which are offered to the faithful who receive the Most Holy Eucharist, makes the following declaration: "The holy synod would desire that at every Mass the faithful who are present should communicate not only spiritually, by way of internal affection, but sacramentally, by the actual reception of the Eucharist" (Sess. xxii, cap. 6). Which words declare plainly enough the wish of the Church that all Christians should be daily nourished by this heavenly banquet, and should derive therefrom abundant fruit for their sanctification.

And this wish of the Council is in entire agreement with that desire wherewith Christ our Lord was inflamed when He instituted this divine sacrament. For He Himself more than once, and in no ambiguous terms, pointed out the necessity of eating His flesh and drinking His blood, especially in these words:. "This is the bread that came down from heaven; not as your fathers did eat manna and are dead: he that eateth this bread shall live forever" (John vi. 59). Now, from this comparison of the food of angels