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"The slave of human respect is like a puppet, involuntarily performing all the motions which Satan and the world compel it to.

"Pitiful role! - especially for a young man, who should carry his free, "noble brow high in air, and not suffer it to bear the brand of a miserable bondage to creatures!

"Evil companions may sneer at you because you discharge the duties of your station; because you study, labor, and make good use of your time. Answer, I know what I am about!

"They may entice you to carousals, to dangerous amusements. Say, I will not go with you!

"They may press you to learn the cause of your change of life. Tell them, That concerns me alone."

"They may mock at your altered demeanor. Let then go on; blunt arrows do no harm.

"They may laugh at your conscientiousness Pity their want of conscience.

"Contradict when and where necessary; have courage; defend yourself. Here defiance is necessary and right.

"The worst thing that could happen to you in this case would be the best - that such people would let you alone.

"Oh, happiness, to be rid of such perverse and false friends, and to be able, at last, to breathe freely once more!

"Thou hast broken my bonds: I will sacrifice to Thee, the sacrifice of praise" (Ps. cxv. 16, 17), to serve Thee as I must; to love Thee as I can; to be guided only by holy fear, as I should!

" Whosoever shall be ashamed of Me, and of My