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by taking husband or wife out of the world may the survivor marry again.

3. How should married people live together? First of all, in peace and harmony. They should aim at the same goal, and strive after one and the same thing. For this end they must be united, avoiding anger, quarreling, and dissension.

The following apposite anecdote may be related here. Two married persons who lived unhappily together, carried their dispute one day so far as to come to blows. A neighbor who heard what was going on suddenly shouted: "Fire! Fire!" The quarrel was forgotten; husband and wife eagerly inquired where the fire was burning. "In hell," was the unexpected reply, "and thither married people must go who persist in living in enmity, anger, and dissension." The lesson to be drawn from this is that married people should live together in love and harmony, not in strife and discord. They should seek to please one another, they should pray for one another, and bear with one another. And they should live in conjugal fidelity, that is, they should keep the solemn promises made to one another at the altar.

4. Another important duty is that of mutual edification. They should edify one another by a Christian life; they should set one another a good example, they should seek to sanctify one another, so as finally to reach