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Second Resolution. I will make it my practice to receive the sacraments regularly - at least once a month.

Here you may impress on your mind the word: Sacraments. Confession and communion constitute a never-failing source, a fount of grace, whereby the life of the soul may be evermore renewed, maintained, and strengthened. It is truly an indispensable condition for the preservation of the supernatural life of the soul, that it should draw strengthening waters out of the Saviours fountains.

Third Resolution. I will carefully avoid everything likely to endanger my faith, especially bad companions, infidel and immoral publications, and luxurious living. See that the light of faith which is in you be not darkened or weakened by listening to conversation opposed to faith and to the Church, or by reading books, pamphlets, and newspapers which have a similar tendency, or by an immoral course of life on your part.

Fourth Resolution, In confession I will always be careful, candid, and sincere in regard to the sixth commandment.

This commandment reminds you that you ought to make every effort in order to safeguard and preserve that fairest ornament of your youth, innocence - chastity. The most effectual means to this end is childlike candor in confession. This candor will be your salvation. But alas for you if you do not tell the whole truth, or if you gloss over