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turies it remained buried deep under heaps oi rubbish; Pope Sixtus V caused it to be set up once more, and this inscription to be engraved upon it : " Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat; Christus nos ab omni malo liber at." " Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ governs; Christ delivers us from every evil."

Christ conquers; He does this by means of His glorious resurrection from actual death, for this is the most striking, the most incontrovertible proof of His divinity. The Resurrection of Christ stands forth as a prominent tact in the world's history, and the enemies of Christianity are not less compelled to own its truth than were His adherents and believing disciples. All the attempts of unbelief to argue it away have until now been utterly put to shame, and will be confounded forever. The facts of the Gospel stand as firm as mountains; all storms pass over them without leaving any trace.

2. Christ conquers; He had Himself foretold His resurrection, and regarded it as a miracle that should prove Him to be the Son of God in the eyes of the whole world. When with a scourge He drove the buyers and sellers out of the Temple, and the Jews asked Him in virtue of what right He acted thus, He replied : " Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." "But," adds the evangelist, "He spoke of the temple of His body." In these words Our Lord referred to His future resurrection on the third day. Did this really take place? Yes, in the pages of the Gospel we find it proved to demonstration.

3. In the first place, the Gospel proves with absolute certainty that the Saviour really expired upon the cross. In order to make certain of His