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believe in God, and live a good life. This unconcern in matters of religion is termed "indifferentism."

2. It is easy to perceive how false and ruinous is such a view of life, as far as religion is concerned. It is doubtless the will of the Saviour that all nations should accept His saving religion, from the time of the apostles and their immediate successors, until the end of the world; hence it is also His will that all nations should listen to the Roman Catholic Church since she alone bears the marks of the true Church of Christ, and it is, therefore, impossible that it should be a matter of no moment to Him whether her teaching should be adopted or not. To assert the contrary would be equivalent to saying that one has an equal chance of saving one's soul whether one does the will of Christ or does it not.

3. How false and foolish is the saying: "Live right — then believe what you like!" Tell me, how would you answer any one who declared that it does not matter whether one has feet or not, if only one can walk? You would certainly say to such a person: "A truce to this foolish talk, how could one walk without feet?" But mark this, dear reader, feet are not more necessary for walking than is faith in a life which is to be counted up right in the eyes of God. Faith is the root of an upright life; it is not a matter of indifference to a tree whether it is without roots,