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openly and boldly blaspheme the Church and religion. The regrettable consequences speedily make themselves apparent. It is true that all these writings contain mere rubbishy scribble, full of lies, exaggerations, and made-up tales, which have been refuted a hundred times over. They put forward accusations and objections which are foolish and groundless. During nineteen centuries, all the enemies of Holy Church have been able to put forward nothing which has not long since been proved by learned Catholic writers to be either a foolish mistake or a malicious falsehood. But the poisoned arrows of falsehood, calumny, and contempt cease not to effect their ruinous purpose. Voltaire, the most notorious among the enemies of religion, stated this fact in the following plain terms: "Only slander right and left; if all you say is not believed, some of it will stick. It is absolutely necessary to lie, and you must not lie in a timid, half-hearted fashion, but in a bold and devilish manner."

5. And books written upon these lines fly nowadays from town to town, from village to village. But what is to be the fate of the young people who swallow down such poison as this? May God preserve you from this poison!

On the inestimable value of good literature, Father Morgan M. Sheedy writes in Benziger's Magazine:

"Apart from the influence of our holy reli-