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hills. A voice came out of this beauteous cloud and spoke as follows: "Your eyes will not be able to behold me, but although invisible, I will be your guide through life. I will dwell in your hearts, and smooth your path. When thou, O man, shalt till the earth in the sweat of thy brow, I will show thee in the distant horizon fields of golden corn and flowery gardens, so that thou shalt imagine thyself to be once more in Paradise."

"But," sighed our first parents, "wilt thou forsake us when we come to die?" "No," said the voice from the cloud, "but in death's dark night I will be to you a light. When your last hour is approaching, my cheering light shall surround you, and you shall behold Paradise open before you."

Our first parents asked: "Who art thou, celestial messenger, who dost bring us consolation?" "I am Hope," was the reply, "the daughter of Faith and Charity." The beauteous cloud melted away, and encompassed the persons addressed, hiding the celestial child from view. But their souls were refreshed and comforted.

2. My youthful reader, this heavenly child, the virtue of hope, must accompany you on your way through life. Like a helmet of steel, this virtue must guard your head against the blows of fate, which are often so hard. It must be your protection.

You must keep a firm hold on Christian hope; you must cling to it, and never let it go, for such is the will of God. He commands us to hope in Him, and this command is even implied in these words: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart." Hope therefore in