Page:The Algebra of Mohammed Ben Musa (1831).djvu/77

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dirhems, multiplied by four dirhems, give sixteen dirhems to be added. The forty-twelfths are equal to three roots and one-third of a root, to be subtracted. The whole product is, therefore, twenty-five-hundred-and-forty-fourths of a square and sixteen dirhems less three roots and one-third of a root, equal to the original number,[1] which is thing and twelve dirhems. Reduce this, by adding the three roots and one-third to the thing and twelve dirhems. Thus you have four roots and one-third of a root and twelve dirhems. Go on balancing, and subtract the twelve (dirhems) from six-teen; there remain four dirhems and five-and-twenty-hundred-and-forty-fourths of a square, equal to four roots and one-third. Now it is necessary to complete the square. This you can accomplish by multiplying all you have by five and nineteen twenty-fifths. Multiply, therefore, the twenty-five-one-hundred-and-forty-fourths of a square by five and nineteen twenty-fifths. This gives a square. Then multiply the four (44) dirhems by five and nineteen twenty-fifths; this gives twenty-three dirhems and one twenty-fifth. Then multiply four roots and one-third by five and nineteen twenty-fifths; this gives twenty-four roots and twenty-four twenty-fifths of a root. Now halve the number of the roots: the moiety is twelve roots and twelve twenty-fifths of a root. Multiply this by itself. It is one hundred-and-fifty-five dirhems and four hundred-and-

  1. “Square” in the original.