Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XV.djvu/84

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Flo. 1. Front View of Skeleton. 1. Frontal bone. 2. Parietal. 8. Temporal ; 4, its mastoid process. 5. Malar or cheek bone. 6. Upper maxillary. 7. Orbit of the eye. 8. Lower maxillary; 9. its ramus. 12. The cervical vertebra. 13. ila. 15. Sternum. 16. First rib. 17. Seventh rib. 18. Twelfth rib. 19. First lumbar vertebra. 20. Last lumbar vertebra. 21. Sacrum. 22. Ilium. (See PKLVIS.) 24. Humerus; 25, its head; 26, its outer condyle; 27, its Inni-r condyle. -JH. Radius ; 2l, its head : 30, its lower extremity. 81. Ulna ; 32. its head ; 83, its lower extremity. 84. Carpu or wrist 86. Metacarpus. 86. Phalanges. 87. Femur or thigh bone; 38, its head; 89, its neck; 40, its greater trochanter; 41. Its lesser trochanter: 4-2. its outer condvlc ; 43, its inner condyle. 44. Patella or knee pan. 40. Tibia; 4. Its head; 47, ita lower extn-mitv: 4-, inner malleolus. 49. Fibula; 50. its head; 51, its lower extremity, forming outer malleolus. 62. Tarsal bones (7). W>. Metatarsal bones (5). 56. Phalantrcs. l'..i.-k Vi.-w ..f skull. Trunk, and Lett Arm. 1. Frontal bone. 2. Parietal. 3. Occipital. 4. Temporal. 5. Lower maxillary. 1 *. Head of scapula at junction of clavicle. 19. Supra-spinous fossa. 20. Infra-spinous fossa. 21. Anterior border. 22. Posterior border. '&. Inferior angle. 'J4. Olecranon process of ulna. Fie. 8. Floor of Skull. 1, 1. Orbital plate of frontal bone, forming most of anterior fossse. 2. Cribriform plate of ethmoid bone. 8. Crista galll process. 4, 4. Lesser wings of sphenoid bone. 5, 5. Middle fossa? of base of cranium. 6, 6. Greater wings of sphenoid. 7. Olivary process. Immediately In front of this process there is a transverse furrow called the /move, in whii-h lies the commissure or crossing of the optic nerves. This groove terminates in the optic

.:i. 4. 4, flir. 4. (See BRAIN, vol. ill., pp. T.i3, 194.) 8. Selfa turcica, upon which rests the pituitary gland.

<8e B*Ai!. p. 11U.) 9. 9. Petrous portion of temporal bone. 10. 10. Round foramina for superior maxillary nerve. II. 11. Oval foramina for inf.-ri>r maxillary nerve. Interior to these two holes is a large slit-like opening on each ld, giving passage to the internal carotid artery and some important nerves. 18. 13. Posterior fossa' of the floor of rmnliim. 14. Foramen magnum, for the spinal c.ird. 15. Basilar process of occipital bone. 16. 16. Grooved channel for tiM lateral tlnua. (See BKAIH, p. 188.) 17, 17. Internal auditory meatus, transmitting the auditory and facial nerv, s. sphenoid Bone, seen froni above. 1. 1. Its irreat.-r winirs. 2, 2. Its lesser wings. 3. Bella turcica. 4, 4. Foramina nerves. 6. 5. Sr.henoMal fissures, inr third, fourth, sixth, and part of fifth pairs of cranial nerves. 6. 6. Round foramina. 7, 7. Oval foramina. Part of basilar process of occipital bone. 9, 9. Internal pterygoid plates, ter- ir in miiviilar or hook-like, processes, over which pass the tendons of the tensor muscles of the palate. 10,10. plate*.