Page:The Annual Register 1758.djvu/141

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SUPPLIES granted by Parliament for the fervice of the year 175S.

December 8, 1757.

1. That 600G0 men be employed for the fea fer- vice for 1758, including 14,845 marines.

2. That a fum not exceeding 4 1. per man, per month, be allowed for maintaining them for 13 months, inc'uding the ordnance for fea fervice —

December 15.

1. That a number of land forces, including 400S invalids, amounting to 53,777 efFeftive men, com- miifion and non-commilTion officers included, be em- ployed for the fervice of 175S.

2. That for defraying the charge of the faid num- ber of lard forces for guards and garrifons, and other his majerty's land forces in Greit Britain, Guern- fey, and Jerfey, for 1758, there be granted a fum not exceed Jn^g — — —

3. For the p;iy of the general, and general ftaff- officers, and officers of the hofpitals for the land forces, for 1758 — _ -^

4. For maintaining his majefty's forces and garri- fons in the plantations and Gibraltar, and for provi- fmns for the garrifons in Nova Sco:ia, Newfoundland, Gibraltar, and Providence, for 1758 — —

5. For defraying the charge of four regiments of fooc, on the Irith ellabliffiment, ferving in North America and the Ealt indies, for 1758 —

I' s, d.

3120000 o o

— 125356S i3 6

— . 37452 3 4

623704 43968

— — — 181505

DecemSer 20.

1. For the charge of the office of ordnance for land fervice, for 1758 —

2. For defraying the extraordinary expence of the board of ordnance for land fervice, not provided for by parliament —

3. To make good the fum which had been ilTued by his majeRy's orders in purfuance of the addrefs of that hcufe -^ _ .« 

1958493 6


— — 210301 17 3

January 23, 1758. I. For a prelent fupply in the then critical exi- gency, towards enabling his majefty to fubfift, and keep together, the army formed ialt year in his

31000 o o 4.22807 7 3
