Page:The Army and Navy Hymnal.djvu/235

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228 The Winning Fight Is Always to the Right
Edna R. Worrell C. Harold Lowden
  1. The win -ning fight is al-ways to the right,
    When life's great wars with e - vil once be - gin
    For those who trust the Lord in all his might
    Can shout: 'We'll Win!'

    We have a long, hard fight,
    but we'll win We'll win, o'er sin,
    We're on the Lord's side, We're on the right side,
    And we must sure-ly win.
  2. When sin as - sails the cour-age oft - en fails,
    And base sur - ren - der tempts the soul with-in,
    But Christ's own ar - mor ev-ery wher pre-vails,
    Praise God we'll win
  3. With eyes turned t' ward our ev - er conquering Lord.
    Our faith the shield to quench the darts of sin,
    And with his ho - ly Spi it for a sword,
    'Tis true ; we'll win
  4. Then let our cry ring up-ward to the sky,
    Ring loud - er still than con-flicts fear-ful din,
    A shout of tri- umph ech - o -ing on high:
    'We'll win! we' win!'

Copyright, 1914, by The Heidelberg Press