Page:The Arraignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward, and Unconstant Women (1622).djvu/18

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Diamond hath not his grace but in gold, no more hath a faire woman her full commendations, but in the ornament of her brauery; by which meanes there are diuers women, whoſe beautie hath brought their husbands into great pouertie and diſcredit, by their pride and whoredome. A faire woman commonly will goe like a Peacocke, and her Husband muſt goe like a Wood-cocke.

That great Giant Pamphimapho, had Beares waiting vpon him like Dogges, and could make tame any wilde Beaſt; yet a wanton woman hee could neuer rule nor turne to his will.

Salomon was the wiſeſt Prince that euer was; yet hee luſted after ſo many women, that they made him quickly forſake his God, which did alwayes guide his ſteps, ſo long as he liued godly.

And was not Dauid the beſt beloued of God, and a mightie Prince? yet for the loue of women hee purchaſed the diſpleaſure of his God.

Sampſon was the ſtrongeſt man that euer was, for euery lock of his head was the ſtrength of another man; yet by a woman he was ouercome: he reuealed his ſtrength to her, and payed his life for that folly.

Did not Iezabel for her wicked luſt cauſe her Husbands bloud to be giuen to Dogges?

Iobs Wife gaue her Husband counſell to blaſpheme God, and to curſe him.

Agamemnons WiFe, for a ſmall iniurie that her Husband did her, ſhee firſt committed adulterie, and afterwards conſented to his death.

Alſo the Wife of Hercules, ſhe gaue her Husband a poyſoned Shirt, which was no ſooner on his back, but it
