Page:The Arraignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward, and Unconstant Women (1622).djvu/30

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nay, what is it that a woman cannot doe, which knowes her power?

Therefore ſtay not alone in the company of a woman, truſting to thy owne chaſtitie, except thou be more ſtronger then Sampſon, more wiſe then Salomon, or more holy then Dauid; for theſe and many more haue been ouercome by the ſweet enticements of women, as thou ſhalt reade hereafter.

It is ſaid, That the Gods themſelues did change their ſhapes, for the loue of ſuch women as they luſted after. Iupiter he transformed himſelfe into a Bull, Neptune into a Horſe, and Mercary into a Goat.

Ariſtippus deſired ſweet meat for his belly, and a faire woman for his bed.

But in my minde, he that layes his net to catch a faire woman, hee may chaunce to fall into the ſprindge which was laid for a Woodcocke: therefore I doe admoniſh young men, and I aduiſe old men, and I counſell ſimple men, and I warne all men, that they flye from a wicked woman, as from the peſtilence, or elſe ſhe will make thee flye in the end.

Ariſtotle, for keeping company with a quean in Athens, was faine to runne away, to ſaue himſelfe from puniſhment, and yet he had dwelt there, and wrote many bookes for the ſpace of thirtie yeares.

Againe, Sampſon and Hercules for all their great ſtrength and conqueſt of Giants and Monſters, yet the one yeelded his club at Diaueras foote, and the other reuealed his ſtrength to Dalilah, and paid his life for his folly.

The ſugred and renowned Orators Demoſthenes and Hortenſius, the one came from Athens vnto Corinth, to
