Page:The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour of All Nations.djvu/214

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establishment for the daughters, or needy orphan girls, of those honoured with it. Each possessor of the medal receives a pension of one hundred francs.

It consists (by decree, 29th February, 1852) of silver of about one inch in diameter. The front shows the efhgy of Louis Napoleon inscribed with his name, while the centre of the reverse contains the motto: ' Valeur et Discipline,' and over all is seen an eagle. (Tab. II. Nos. 7 and 8). It is worn upon the left breast suspended. by a yellow ribbon with green borders.

The medal is given:

1. To sub-officers, soldiers and sailors on re-entering the service after a discharge or retirement.

2. To all whose names are mentioned in the Army Orders.

3. To those who have received several wounds before the enemy, or on other occasions in the service.

4. To all who have distinguished themselves by courageous deeds as mere officials in the army, without pay or rank, such as military agents, &c.


was instituted by the present Emperor of France, Louis Napoleon IIT., on the 12th August, 1857, in commemoration of the campaigns from 1792 to 1815, and for the purpose of being conferred on those of the army and navy who were engaged in any, or all, of those campaigns.

The medal (No. 9.) is of bronze, and bears on the obverse the effigy of Napoleon I.; and on the reverse the legend: ' Campagnes de 1792 4 1815—A ses Compagnons de Gloire sa derniére Pensée, 5 May, 1821.' It is worn at the button-hole suspended by a red and green ribbon.