Page:The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour of All Nations.djvu/33

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Spanish or Austrian ' Order of the Golden Fleece, ' according to the country where it is issued.

The principal provisions of the statutes of the Order, now in force in Austria, are:

1. The uncontrolled power of the head to create any number of members, from the Catholic and ancient high nobility of the realm. (If a Protestant, the consent of the Pope must first be obtained).

2. The duty of the members to assist the head in war and other perilous situations.

3. The prohibition against members entering any foreign service without special permission.

4. By high treason or cowardice in war, the Order to be forfeited.

5. All disputes between members to be settled amicably by the Chapter.

The insignia of the Order consist of a Golden Fleece hanging on a golden blue-enamelled flint stone, emitting flames of fire, and borne, in its turn, by a ray of fire. On the enamelled obverse are inscribed the words (from Claudian) 'Pretium laborum non vile' (Not a bad reward for labour). (Plate 4. Tab. I. No. 1;

The members were originally enjoined to wear the decoration constantly round the neck by a golden chain, the links of which were equally to consist of fire-stones and rays (Tab. I. No. 8). The chain having, however, been found too cumbersome for the wearer, Charles V. allowed the substitution of a red ribbon, by which the insignia may be worn either round the neck, or at the button-hole. At present, it is usually worn round the neck, except on solemn occasions, when the chain is worn over the collar round the neck.

The costume of the Knights on particular solemn occasions consists of a long robe of deep red velvet lined with white