Page:The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour of All Nations.djvu/383

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Two Knights Grand Cross with an annual pension of 500 gold thalers (£75).
Two Great Commanders with an annual pension of 400 gold thalers (£60).
Four Commanders with an annual pension of 300 gold thalers (£45).
Eight Knights Small Cross with an annual pension of 200 gold thalers (£40).

The number of Honorary Members in the Grand Duchy, is, exclusive of the Ducal Princes, limited to four Knights Grand Cross, four Great Commanders, eight Commanders, and sixteen Knights Small Cross. In time of war, the latter class may be augmented as regards the military.

The insignia consist, for the first class, of a star worn on the left breast, and of a cross worn across the right shoulder towards the left hip by a dark blue watered ribbon, with a narrow red stripe near each border (Nos. 1 and 2). For the second class, of a star worn on the right breast, and of a small cross worn round the neck by a similar ribbon about two inches wide.

For the third class, of a small cross also worn round the neck by a similar ribbon about one inch and a half wide.

For the fourth class, of a small cross, worn at the buttonhole of the left side, and suspended by a similar ribbon about one inch and a half wide.

Military persons who have received the small cross in war, wear, in addition, upon the ribbon of the Order, a round cockade formed of the same ribbon.

The Capitulars wear, besides, a particular decoration, varying with every class (Nos. 3 to 6).

The Chapter is usually held on the 17th January, the birthday of Duke Peter Frederick Louis.

The middle of the star and obverse of the cross contain the initials of the Duke Peter Ferderick Louis.

The inscriptions upon the four white enamelled wings of the