Page:The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour of All Nations.djvu/388

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cross indicate the birth-day (17th January, 1755), the date of the accession to the throne (6th July, 1785), and of the death (2nd May, 1829) of that Duke, as also the day when the Order was founded (27th November, 1838).

The additional special decoration of the Capitulars consists of a medal surrounded by an oaken wreath. It is for the first class, of gold, and adorned with a golden crown; for the second class, of silver, with a silver crown; for the third class, of gold, without a crown; and for the fourth class, of silver, also without a crown. It is worn, suspended by a ribbon, round the neck.


1. The Medal of Honour, was founded on the 30th April, 1815, at the suggestion of Field-Marshal Blücher, who bore testimony to the gallant conduct of the Oldenburg regiment in the war with France. The decoration was accordingly distributed amongst those officers and men who took part in any one of the battles. It consists of a medal (No. 7), and is worn on the left side of the breast suspended by a dark blue ribbon with two red stripes.

2. The gold and silver Crosses of Honour, for twenty-five years faithful Military Service (No. 8).—It was founded on the 24th December, 1838, as a reward for long military service as above. The decoration consists of a cross, the obverse of which contains the number ‘ XXV.’ in Roman cyphers, and the reverse, the initials ‘P. F. L.’ (Peter Frederick Louis) in gothic characters, and surmounted by a crown. It is worn on the left breast, suspended by a red ribbon with narrow blue borders.

For officers, the cross is of gold, and for sub-officers and pri-