Page:The Book of Orders of Knighthood and Decorations of Honour of All Nations.djvu/506

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ceremonies of investiture with regard to the Czar himself after his naval victory over the Swedes. The next who received it were the officers who had distinguished themselves at the siege of Azoff. Still later, when the Czar formed an alliance with King Augustus of Saxony against Charles XIL., he rewarded with it the Generals of Augustus who had been stationed in Livonia and Poland.

St. Andrew is the patron saint of the empire, who, according to Muscovite traditions, first preached the gospel to the Slavonians in Novogorod. He was, therefore, chosen as the patron of the Order, the highest in Russia, which is only bestowed by special favour of the Emperor. It 1s usually confined to members of the imperial family, foreign princes, or individuals who are already in possession of the other Orders. With the Order, the nominee receives, also, the Alexander Newsky, St. Ann, and St. Stanilaus decorations.

Every Knight pays 240 silver roubles (£40) entrance fee. Twelve of the members (inclusive of three spiritual members) divide among themselves the annual pension of 6092 roubles (about £1000).

The decoration has undergone manifold alterations, and consits now (Plate 69, Tab. I. No. 2) of the blue enamelled figure of St. Andrew on the cross, bearing on each arm the initials S. A. P. R. (Sanctus Andreas Protector Russiæ), and resting upon the Eagle of the Empire with three crowns. It is worn across the right shoulder towards the left hip, by a sky blue ribbon.

The costume of the Knights, at festivals, consists of a long cloak of green velvet, lined with white taffetas, and with silver facings, cords and shoulder belt, of a white jacket and black velvet hat adorned with a red feather. The badge is appended to a collar (Tab. I. No. 6), the links of which now represent alternately the cross of the Order, (an Andrew